Sacred Heart School is dedicated to fostering the spiritual and intellectual growth of our students. We prepare them to further Christ’s mission with vision, compassion, and zeal. Our school upholds strong Catholic values and offers a rigorous curriculum, integrating truth, knowledge, and values into daily life for students and the community.
❖ Experience and Encounter God, Who is love, in each other and our students: Foster an environment where we and our students can experience and encounter God's love in each other.
❖ Be Exemplary Role Models: Strive to be exemplary role models who demonstrate love for self, others, and God.
❖ Leave a Lasting Impact: Aim to leave a lasting and enduring impression through the holistic formation of our students.
❖ Cultivate a Family Environment: Create a loving, caring, and family-like atmosphere for staff, students, and all who may walk through our doors.
❖ Foster Holistic Growth: Develop a Christian, nurturing environment where students can thrive spiritually, academically, emotionally, and physically.
Statement of Philosophy
Sacred Heart School Community is an integral part of the Church and as such we are called to share the educational mission of the Church with the families of our students and to further the Kingdom of God. We believe in helping each other to attain the Gospel values of holiness, truth, love, peace, and justice.
The integration of curriculum with faith and worship is essential to the development of the whole person. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we believe it is vital to instill and promote the authentic teaching of the Catholic faith and to advance the cause of ecumenism in our world.
Even though Sacred Heart School endeavors to offer to each student the opportunities needed to take his/her place successfully in society, we also believe that each individual student has an obligation to himself/herself as a human being and to the society in which he/she lives.
We believe that the family has the primary responsibility for all phases of a child's growth and that the school assumes varying degrees of responsibility for each of these phases at different times in the student's life. Therefore, we welcome parental involvement in the education of the children.
We believe that our mission is to help prepare each individual to freely and responsibly choose his value system with knowledge, passion, and zeal for the Kingdom, so that these values, enhanced by positive Christian attitudes, will help him to determine his principles of conduct in order to live a good Christian life on this earth and to enjoy God's presence for all eternity.